Our typical school day consists of the following…
The Nursery morning session runs from 8.30am until 11.30am. The afternoon session runs from 12.30pm until 3.30pm.
The bell rings at 8:45am, when children are met in the playground by their teachers. The playground opens at 8.35am when a member of staff is on duty to supervise children arriving.
There is a playtime in the morning of 15 minutes when all children are free to choose a piece of fruit. The school is part of the scheme run by the DfE where children in Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fruit a day.
School lunches are served in the hall between 11.30am when the Nursery children eat and 1pm when the oldest children in Key Stage 2 enjoy their lunch.
School finishes at 3.15pm when children in Red, Orange and Yellow classes are collected from their classrooms by an adult. Children in Key Stage 2 are dismissed from the playground. At the end of the day we ask that children are collected on time. It is distressing for a child, when everybody else has gone home, to be left at school. We understand that problems do arise, but if parents telephone us, we can reassure your child that you are on the way.
The playground closes at 3.30pm.
There are playground buddies on duty in the playground every day at playtimes and lunchtimes. These are older children who have applied for the role and receive weekly support from an external trainer. The buddies work to ensure that children are happy and enjoying their time on the playground.
We are delighted to have a Playpod in our playground, which is used every lunchtime. The Playpod is based in the theory of small parts play and encourages creative and imaginative play. The Playpod is filled with exciting items such as ropes, dressing up clothes, old keyboards and mobile phones and plastic crates. These items are available for all children to play with and are topped up each half term. Our lunchtime staff have received training as play leaders and supervise play, but the children have responsibility for the resources- including putting everything away at the end of lunchtime.
Our breakfast club welcomes children every school day from 7.30am and offers a healthy breakfast and an opportunity to play with others in the school hall. Once you have completed a registration form, places can be booked via the SchoolMoney system. We run booking system flexibly, so that you only need to book the sessions you need, and will be charged accordingly. Breakfast club costs £4 a day, but is free for children entitled to free school meals.
After school clubs run each day after school from 3.15pm until 4.15pm. A list of the current clubs running this term can be found here: Summer term 2024
We do not run an after school club on site, but work in partnership with the YMCA who run an after school club in the church hall, right next door to the school site just for children from St. Aidan’s.
For further details, please contact Andre Rodney, Out of Schools Childcare Manager Email: Andre.rodney@ymcanorthlondon.org.uk Phone: 020 8340 6088 (NLYMCA Fitness centre) Website: www.ymcanorthlondon.org.uk
Children in the main school are expected to attend every school day from 8.45am – 3.15pm. These are the compulsory times we are open and this equates to 32.5 hours in a typical week.