If a child becomes unwell or has an accident in school, he or she will be seen by one of our first-aiders.
The parents or carers will be contacted immediately if the child has been involved in a serious accident or is too ill to remain in school. It is therefore vital that parents and carers complete and return the Welfare Form which contains, along with relevant details of the child’s medical needs, parent and carer contact information. This form is issued when the child starts school and it is essential that it is kept up to date.
In an emergency, before contacting the parent or carer, we will telephone for an ambulance and a member of staff will escort the child to hospital if the parent or carer cannot get to the school in time. For less serious accidents, parents and carers will be notified at the end of the day by the class teacher or a member of support staff.
We follow the LA’s guidance on giving medicines in school. Medicines needing to be administered during school hours must be given directly to the Medical Officer along with precise delivery instructions; a form giving consent for the medicine to be administered will also need to be signed.
Following a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea, children are required to be away from school for 48 hours. This follows guidance set by the Haringey school nursing team.