St. Aidan’s prides itself on being a school that embraces difference and we welcome children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
We believe that all children, including those with SEN or disabilities, have a right to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum and a right to be included in all aspects of school life. We make sure that we identify children who have SEN early on and that the curriculum and teaching are adjusted to meet their needs.
Often children’s difficulties are minor and will be short term. Their class teachers will help them by adjusting the curriculum and teaching them differently. Where needs are more severe, or long term, individual programmes and extra support may be provided. Where necessary, specialist agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service or Speech, Language and Communication Service may be brought in. If none of this helps, we will ask the LA to make a Statutory Assessment of the child’s special educational needs. Our SENCo is Lucy Spreckley and can be contacted via the school office.
Find the detailed policy in our policies section